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The global economy reached a turning point last year with COP28, where major commitments were made to phase down fossil fuels. Now, amid economic and political turbulence, the challenge lies in financing and implementing these commitments. This moment offers an opportunity for policymakers and markets to make bold moves to drive the green transition.

At The Conduit, we believe knowledge sharing is key to overcoming the challenges of financing the transition. As COP16 on Biodiversity and COP29 approach, the Green Economy Forum provides a platform for parallel conversations that amplify these critical discussions.

This invite-only event will gather industry, financial, and sustainability leaders to explore the innovative financial instruments and policies needed to deploy capital and mitigate risk at this critical juncture.

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Learn about the innovations turbo-charging the green economy.


Meet a global community of impact investors – including representatives from British Chamber of Commerce, Deloitte, SYSTEMIQ and more.


Accelerate your green ambitions with a full line-up of inspiring panels, workshops and opportunities to learn and connect.

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Learn about the innovations turbo-charging the green economy.


Meet a global community of impact investors – including representatives from British Chamber of Commerce, Deloitte, SYSTEMIQ and more.


Accelerate your green ambitions with a full line-up of inspiring panels, workshops and opportunities to learn and connect.

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Registration & Breakfast


Welcome Remarks

CEO and Co-Founder, The Conduit


Paul served as the Executive Secretary of South Africa’s post-apartheid Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Paul also co-founded the International Centre for Transitional Justice, an organization that works in over 40 countries that have endured massive human rights violations under repression conflict. Paul is also a co-founder and CEO of Maiyet, an ethical luxury fashion brand that cultivates traditional design and culture by partnering with global artisans. Most recently, Paul co-founded The Conduit, which serves as a home for those committed to improving the world by harnessing the power of creativity and entrepreneurship. The Conduit serves as a home for a diverse community of people passionate about social change.


Balancing Innovation and Sustainability: Navigating AI's Impact on Climate Change 

AI could revolutionise the fight against climate change, from predicting extreme weather patterns to optimising waste management. However, its vast energy demands risk increasing carbon emissions, with some multinational corporations reporting up to a 30% rise. What measures can the private and public sectors take to ensure AI does not lead to a significant rise in carbon emissions? This session explores how to harness AI’s power for climate solutions without undermining decarbonisation efforts.  


The Fossil Fuel Dilemma: To Exit or Engage? 

Since COP28 heralded the "Beginning of the End" for fossil fuels, the specter of stranded assets looms larger than ever. While 75% of investment companies are engaging with high-emitting industries to drive sustainable transformation, a growing cohort of conscious investors is shifting towards divestment. Is engagement or divestment the best strategy to phase out fossil fuels and ensure a just transition? This session will delve into the rewards and risks of both approaches and identify concrete strategies that investors are using today to accelerate the transition. 

Chief Executive, ShareAction

Catherine Howarth (1)

Catherine Howarth OBE joined ShareAction as Chief Executive in 2008. She is a member of the Financial Conduct Authority’s advisory committee on ESG and the HM Treasury’s Asset Management Taskforce. Previously, she has served on the boards of The Pensions Trust and the Scott Trust, owner of The Guardian Media Group, and was recognised by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader in 2014.  

In 2020 she featured on the BBC Woman’s Hour Power List, and in 2022 was awarded an OBE for ‘services to sustainability’.  

ShareAction is an NGO seeking to define and promote the highest standards of responsible investment by working with investors, businesses and individuals on environmental and social issues. 



Coffee Break & Networking


Carbon Confidence: Unlock Carbon Market Potential with Insurance 

The voluntary carbon market is set to grow from $2 billion in 2020 to $250 billion by 2050, but recent slowdown and complex risks threaten this forecast. Could insurance mitigate diverse risks and unlock the market’s full potential? This session features market leaders discussing how businesses can leverage carbon credits for sustainability and explore insurance's critical role in building confidence and driving growth in this evolving market. 


Founding Co-Chair, Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative

Rachel Kyte (3)

Rachel Kyte CMG is Professor of Practice in Climate Policy at Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government and founding co-chair of the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative.  A globally recognized climate finance and energy expert, she advises public, private and philanthropic capital on climate transitions. She was Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and CEO of Sustainable Energy for All, World Bank Group VP and Special Envoy for Climate Change, VP at the International Finance Corporation, and Dean of The Fletcher School at Tufts University. 


Seizing the Biodiversity Opportunity 

Biodiversity is in crisis, yet funding is scarce. This year, COP16 delegates are tasked with operationalising commitments to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030 despite a $700 billion annual funding gap. Can biodiversity credit markets and natural capital accounting help bridge this gap? The session will explore innovative mechanisms for channeling capital flows towards nature positive outcomes and consider the risks, opportunities and regulations around financing the fight against biodiversity decline. 


Unlocking Private Investment for Climate Adaptation in Emerging Economies 

Emerging economies face dire climate impacts despite contributing little to global emissions. However, critical adaptation funding falls short, with just $63 billion mobilised in 2021-22 despite an annual investment need of $212 billion by 2030. This session tackles the barriers to adaptation finance, exploring innovative models and successful public-private partnerships that can close the funding gap and build long-term resilience in vulnerable regions. 




Small Businesses, Big Impact: Driving SMEs Toward Sustainable Actions 

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 90% of global businesses and 40% of business-sector emissions, but lag in the net-zero transition. Rising costs hinder their sustainability efforts, and both financing and support remain underdeveloped. Why aren’t private and public sectors prioritising SME decarbonisation? Join us to tackle barriers preventing SMEs from embracing sustainability and to explore innovative solutions that can accelerate their journey to net zero.


Breaking Down Barriers: Financing Renewable Energy in Emerging Economies 

Emerging economies need international financing for their energy transitions, but investors remain wary of the associated costs and risk-return profile. This session explores strategies to improve the viability of these investments, including targeted international support and innovations in derisking by multilateral development banks. 

Managing Partner and Founder, Blue Like an Orange

Bertrand Badre (1)

Bertrand Badré is Managing Partner and Founder of Blue like an Orange. Previously Bertrand was Managing Director of the World Bank and World Bank Group Chief Financial Officer. In this capacity he was finance deputy at the G7/G20 and representative of the World Bank. Prior to joining the World Bank Group, Bertrand was the group chief financial officer at Société Générale and Crédit Agricole. Bertrand served as a member of President Jacques Chirac's diplomatic team where he was the President's deputy personal representative for Africa. Bertrand also spent a total of seven years at Lazard, half in New York, and London, and then in Paris as partner where he co-led in particular the restructuring of Eurotunnel. He started his career in Paris as an inspector, then deputy head of the auditing service of the French Ministry of Finance. Bertrand has served as director on a number of boards, including Haulotte Group, , the leading European PE firm Eurazéo, Wealth Simple or a Canadian Fintech in asset management. He has been the co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on International Governance, Public-Private Cooperation and Sustainable Development. He is now a board member of Getlink (Eurotunnel) and “gérant” of SIPA Ouest-France. He is a ESG and sustainability senior advisor of JAB (Prêt à Manger, Coty etc.)  

He is a member of the board of IDDRI and IFD (Institut de la Finance Durable set up to represent sustainability in Paris) and of the center of global Development, chaired by Larry Summers and led by Masood Ahmed (CGD). He is the co-chair of Project Syndidate advisory board. Bertrand authored the book “Money Honnie, si la finance sauvait le monde?” published in 2017 under the title “Can Finance Save the World?” translated into multiple languages.  

More recently he wrote the book " Voulons-nous (sérieusement) changer le monde ?", with a preface by Erik Orsenna on finance after COVID and "Des femmes et des hommes, le pouvoir en partage" with Fabienne Michaille and prefaced by Michelle Yeoh, Jean Todt and Emmanuel Faber.  


Bertrand is a graduate of ENA (Ecole Nationale d'Administration), SciencesPo (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris), La Sorbonne and HEC business school.  



Crafting a Greenprint: Developing National Transition Plans 

Meeting the climate goals of the Paris Agreement demands comprehensive transition plans from nations globally. With the next Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) due in 2025, what are the core elements of successful plans? Join us to explore how investors can shape these plans and unlock pathways to a sustainable future. 


Key Takeaways and Closing Remarks 

CEO and Co-Founder, The Conduit


Paul served as the Executive Secretary of South Africa’s post-apartheid Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Paul also co-founded the International Centre for Transitional Justice, an organization that works in over 40 countries that have endured massive human rights violations under repression conflict. Paul is also a co-founder and CEO of Maiyet, an ethical luxury fashion brand that cultivates traditional design and culture by partnering with global artisans. Most recently, Paul co-founded The Conduit, which serves as a home for those committed to improving the world by harnessing the power of creativity and entrepreneurship. The Conduit serves as a home for a diverse community of people passionate about social change.


Cocktails & Canapés 



Are you a C-Suite executive or partnerships director, looking to advance your business sustainability goals. Contact our partnerships team share your challenges, and learn how we can support you.

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Whatever your brand or sustainability challenge, The Conduit has a solution. Get in touch with our partnerships team to amplify your goals.

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Join Our Community

The Conduit is a collaborative community of people committed to creating a just, prosperous and sustainable future.

Our members bring together knowledge, networks and capital for sustained positive impact, in our London and Oslo clubs.


Please note that this event will be recorded and photographed. By attending this event, you consent to being photographed, filmed and recorded (“Recordings”). You further consent to The Conduit, and its assigns’ use of your name and your appearance and voice as captured by these Recordings, in any and all media, worldwide, for any purpose in connection with this event, including promotion of this event.


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London WC2H 9JA

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Monday – Thursday: 7am – 11pm

Friday: 7am – 12am

Saturday: 10am – 11pm

Sunday: 10am – 4pm

*See Rucola for restaurant opening times